- class KernelCore[source]¶
Base class for kernel
- property _get_bounds: ndarray¶
Get the parameters’ bounds
- Returns:
design bounds of the parameters
- Return type:
- property _get_bounds_list: list¶
Get the parameters’ bounds with list
- Returns:
design bounds of the parameters
- Return type:
- property _get_high_bound: list¶
Get the high bound of the parameters
- Returns:
high bound of kernel’s parameters
- Return type:
- property _get_low_bound: list¶
Get the low bound of the parameters
- Returns:
low bound of kernel’s parameters
- Return type:
- property _get_num_para: int¶
Return number of parameters of the kernel
- Returns:
number of parameters
- Return type:
- class RBF(theta, parameters=['theta'], bounds=[-2, 3])[source]¶
calculate the rbf kernel
- Parameters:
- class GaussianProcessRegression(design_space, kernel=None, regr=<mfpml.models.basis_functions.Ordinary object>, optimizer=None, noise_prior=0.0, optimizer_restart=5)[source]¶
Gaussian Process Regressor, for noisy data or noise-free data
Initialize the Gaussian Process Regressor
- Parameters:
design_space (np.ndarray) – design space of the problem with shape=(num_dim, 2), it is used to normalize the input samples
kernel (Any, optional) – kernel function for spatial correlation of samples, by default None
regr (Any, optional) – mean function, by default Ordinary()
optimizer (Any, optional) – optimizer for the log likelihood function , by default None
noise_prior (float, optional) – noise prior of the , by default 0.0 (noise-free data), if the noise is not None, the type II maximum likelihood should be used to optimize the for both the hyper-parameters and noise value
optimizer_restart (int, optional) – restart the optimizer if needed, by default 5
- __init__(design_space, kernel=None, regr=<mfpml.models.basis_functions.Ordinary object>, optimizer=None, noise_prior=0.0, optimizer_restart=5)[source]¶
Initialize the Gaussian Process Regressor
- Parameters:
design_space (np.ndarray) – design space of the problem with shape=(num_dim, 2), it is used to normalize the input samples
kernel (Any, optional) – kernel function for spatial correlation of samples, by default None
regr (Any, optional) – mean function, by default Ordinary()
optimizer (Any, optional) – optimizer for the log likelihood function , by default None
noise_prior (float, optional) – noise prior of the , by default 0.0 (noise-free data), if the noise is not None, the type II maximum likelihood should be used to optimize the for both the hyper-parameters and noise value
optimizer_restart (int, optional) – restart the optimizer if needed, by default 5
- _logLikelihood(params)[source]¶
Compute the concentrated ln-likelihood
- Parameters:
params (np.ndarray) – parameters of the kernel
- Returns:
log likelihood
- Return type:
- property _num_samples: int¶
Return the number of samples
- Returns:
num_samples – num samples
- Return type:
- change_optimizer(optimizer)[source]¶
Change the optimizer of the model
- Parameters:
optimizer (Any) – optimizer for optimizing the log likelihood function
- Return type:
- static normalize_input(X, bounds)[source]¶
Normalize samples to range [0, 1]
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – samples to scale
bounds (np.ndarray) – bounds with shape=((num_dim, 2))
- Returns:
normalized samples
- Return type:
- static normalize_output(Y)[source]¶
Normalize output to range [0, 1]
- Parameters:
sample_y (np.ndarray) – output to scale
- Returns:
normalized output
- Return type:
- predict(X, return_std=False)[source]¶
Predict responses through the Kriging model
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – new sample need to predict
return_std (bool, optional) – whether return the standard deviation , by default False
- Returns:
return the prediction with shape (#Xinput, 1)
- Return type:
- train(X, Y)[source]¶
training procedure of gpr
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – sample array of sample
Y (np.ndarray) – responses of the sample
- Return type:
- class _mfGaussianProcess(design_space)[source]¶
- _eval_corr(X, Xprime, fidelity=0)[source]¶
Evaluate the correlation values based on current multi- fidelity model
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – x
Xprime (np.ndarray) – x’
fidelity (str, optional) – str indicating fidelity level, by default ‘hf’
- Returns:
correlation matrix
- Return type:
- property _get_lfGP: Any¶
Get the low-fidelity model
- Returns:
low-fidelity model instance
- Return type:
- property _get_sample_hf: ndarray¶
Return samples of high-fidelity
- Returns:
high-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- property _get_sample_lf: ndarray¶
Return samples of high-fidelity
- Returns:
high-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- property _num_xh: int¶
Return the number of high-fidelity samples
- Returns:
#high-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- property _num_xl: int¶
Return the number of low-fidelity samples
- Returns:
#low-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- _train_hf(X, Y)[source]¶
Train the high-fidelity model
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – array of high-fidelity samples
Y (np.ndarray) – array of high-fidelity responses
- Return type:
- _train_lf(X, Y)[source]¶
Train the low-fidelity model
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – low-fidelity samples
Y (np.ndarray) – low-fidelity responses
- Return type:
- normalize_hf_output(outputs)[source]¶
Normalize output to normal distribution
- Parameters:
outputs (np.ndarray) – output to scale
- Returns:
normalized output
- Return type:
- normalize_input(inputs)[source]¶
Normalize samples to range [0, 1]
- Parameters:
inputs (np.ndarray) – samples to scale
- Returns:
normalized samples
- Return type:
- predict(X, return_std=False)[source]¶
Predict the response of the model
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – array of samples to be predicted
return_std (bool, optional) – whether to return the standard deviation, by default False
- Returns:
prediction of the model
- Return type:
- predict_lf(X, return_std=False)[source]¶
Predict low-fidelity responses
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – array of low-fidelity to be predicted
return_std (bool, optional) – whether to return the standard deviation, by default False
- Returns:
prediction of low-fidelity
- Return type:
- train(samples, responses)[source]¶
training for multi-fidelity Gaussian process regression model for two-fidelity model, where the first fidelity is high-fidelity and second fidelity is low-fidelity.
- Parameters:
samples (List) – list with two elements, where each element is a np.ndarray of samples. The first element is high-fidelity samples and the second element is low-fidelity samples.
responses (List) – list with two elements, where each element is a np.ndarray of responses. The first element is high-fidelity responses and the second element is low-fidelity responses.
- Return type:
- class HierarchicalKriging(design_space, optimizer=None, optimizer_restart=5, kernel_bound=[-2.0, 3.0], noise_prior=None)[source]¶
- _logLikelihood(params)[source]¶
Compute the concentrated ln-likelihood
- Parameters:
params (np.ndarray) – parameters of the kernel
- Returns:
log likelihood
- Return type:
- class CoKriging(design_space, optimizer=None, optimizer_restart=0, kernel_bound=[-2.0, 3.0], rho_bound=[0.01, 100.0], noise_prior=None)[source]¶
co-kriging model for handling multi-fidelity data
- Parameters:
design_space (np.ndarray) – array of shape=((num_dim,2)) where each row describes the bound for the variable on specfic dimension
optimizer (Any, optional) – instance of the optimizer used to optimize the hyperparameters with the use style optimizer.run_optimizer(objective function, number of dimension, design space of variables), if not assigned, the ‘L-BFGS-B’ method in scipy is used
kernel_bound (list, optional) – log bound of the kernel for difference Gaussian process model, by default [-4, 3]
rho_bound (list, optional) – bound for scale factor, by default [1e-2, 1e2]
- __init__(design_space, optimizer=None, optimizer_restart=0, kernel_bound=[-2.0, 3.0], rho_bound=[0.01, 100.0], noise_prior=None)[source]¶
co-kriging model for handling multi-fidelity data
- Parameters:
design_space (np.ndarray) – array of shape=((num_dim,2)) where each row describes the bound for the variable on specfic dimension
optimizer (Any, optional) – instance of the optimizer used to optimize the hyperparameters with the use style optimizer.run_optimizer(objective function, number of dimension, design space of variables), if not assigned, the ‘L-BFGS-B’ method in scipy is used
kernel_bound (list, optional) – log bound of the kernel for difference Gaussian process model, by default [-4, 3]
rho_bound (list, optional) – bound for scale factor, by default [1e-2, 1e2]
- property _get_lf_model: Any¶
Get the low-fidelity model
- Returns:
low-fidelity model instance
- Return type:
- property _get_sample_hf: ndarray¶
Return samples of high-fidelity
- Returns:
high-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- property _get_sample_lf: ndarray¶
Return samples of high-fidelity
- Returns:
high-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- _logLikelihood(params)[source]¶
Compute the concentrated ln-likelihood
- Parameters:
params (np.ndarray) – parameters of the kernel
- Returns:
log likelihood
- Return type:
- property _num_xh: int¶
Return the number of high-fidelity samples
- Returns:
#high-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- property _num_xl: int¶
Return the number of low-fidelity samples
- Returns:
#low-fidelity samples
- Return type:
- _update_optimizer_hf(optimizer)[source]¶
Change the optimizer for high-fidelity hyper parameters
- Parameters:
optimizer (any) – instance of optimizer
- Return type:
- _update_optimizer_lf(optimizer)[source]¶
Change the optimizer for low-fidelity hyper parameters
- Parameters:
optimizer (Any) – instance of optimizer
- Return type:
- normalize_hf_output(outputs)[source]¶
Normalize output to normal distribution
- Parameters:
outputs (np.ndarray) – output to scale
- Returns:
normalized output
- Return type:
- normalize_input(inputs)[source]¶
Normalize samples to range [0, 1]
- Parameters:
inputs (np.ndarray) – samples to scale
- Returns:
normalized samples
- Return type:
- predict(X, return_std=False)[source]¶
Predict high-fidelity responses
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – array of high-fidelity to be predicted
return_std (bool, optional) – whether to return std values, by default False
- Returns:
prediction of high-fidelity
- Return type:
- predict_lf(X, return_std=False)[source]¶
Predict low-fidelity responses
- Parameters:
X (np.ndarray) – array of low-fidelity to be predicted
return_std (bool, optional) – whether to return std values, by default False
- Returns:
prediction of low-fidelity
- Return type:
- class _GP(design_space, kernel=None, regr=<mfpml.models.basis_functions.Ordinary object>, optimizer=None, optimizer_restart=0, noise_prior=0.0)[source]¶
single fidelity Gaussian process regression model, there is no normalization for the input and output. This is because we have to adapt the model to the Co-Kriging model.
- _logLikelihood(params)[source]¶
Compute the concentrated ln-likelihood
- Parameters:
params (np.ndarray) – parameters of the kernel
- Returns:
nll – negative log likelihood
- Return type:
- property _num_samples: int¶
Return the number of samples
- Returns:
num_samples – num samples
- Return type:
- predict(x_predict, return_std=False)[source]¶
Predict responses through the Kriging model
- Parameters:
x_predict (np.ndarray) – new sample need to predict
return_std (bool, optional) – whether return the standard deviation , by default False
- Returns:
return the prediction with shape (#Xinput, 1)
- Return type:
- train(sample_x, sample_y)[source]¶
training procedure of gpr models
- Parameters:
sample_x (np.ndarray) – sample array of sample
sample_y (np.ndarray) – responses of the sample
- Return type:
- class ScaledKriging(design_space, lfGP=None, disc_model=None, optimizer=None, optimizer_restart=0, kernel_bound=[-4.0, 3.0], rho_optimize=False, rho_method='error', rho_bound=[0.01, 10.0], rho_optimizer=None, noise_prior=None)[source]¶
Multi-fidelity Kriging model with scaled function
- Parameters:
design_space (np.ndarray) – array of shape=((num_dim,2)) where each row describes the bound for the variable on specfic dimension
lfGP (any) – instance of low-fidelity model, the model should have the method: train(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray), predict(x: np.ndarray, return_std: bool)
disc_model (any, optional) – instance of discrepancy model, the model should have the method: train(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray), predict(x: np.ndarray, return_std: bool). Default Kriging
optimizer (any, optional) – instance of the optimizer used to optimize the hyperparameters with the use style optimizer.run_optimizer(objective function, number of dimension, design space of variables), if not assigned, the ‘L-BFGS-B’ method in scipy is used
kernel_bound (list, optional) – log bound of the kernel for discrepancy Kriging model, by default [-3, 2]
rho_optimize (bool, optional) – whether to optimize the scale factor, if not the scale factor is 1, by default False
rho_method (str, optional) – method to choose rho, can choose from [‘error’, ‘bumpiness’]
rho_bound (list, optional) – bound for the factor rho if optimizing rho, by default [1e-1, 1e1]
rho_optimizer (any, optional) – optimizer for the parameter rho, by default ‘L-BFGS-B’
- __init__(design_space, lfGP=None, disc_model=None, optimizer=None, optimizer_restart=0, kernel_bound=[-4.0, 3.0], rho_optimize=False, rho_method='error', rho_bound=[0.01, 10.0], rho_optimizer=None, noise_prior=None)[source]¶
Multi-fidelity Kriging model with scaled function
- Parameters:
design_space (np.ndarray) – array of shape=((num_dim,2)) where each row describes the bound for the variable on specfic dimension
lfGP (any) – instance of low-fidelity model, the model should have the method: train(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray), predict(x: np.ndarray, return_std: bool)
disc_model (any, optional) – instance of discrepancy model, the model should have the method: train(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray), predict(x: np.ndarray, return_std: bool). Default Kriging
optimizer (any, optional) – instance of the optimizer used to optimize the hyperparameters with the use style optimizer.run_optimizer(objective function, number of dimension, design space of variables), if not assigned, the ‘L-BFGS-B’ method in scipy is used
kernel_bound (list, optional) – log bound of the kernel for discrepancy Kriging model, by default [-3, 2]
rho_optimize (bool, optional) – whether to optimize the scale factor, if not the scale factor is 1, by default False
rho_method (str, optional) – method to choose rho, can choose from [‘error’, ‘bumpiness’]
rho_bound (list, optional) – bound for the factor rho if optimizing rho, by default [1e-1, 1e1]
rho_optimizer (any, optional) – optimizer for the parameter rho, by default ‘L-BFGS-B’
- _eval_bumpiness(rho)[source]¶
Evaluate the bumpiness
- Parameters:
rho (np.ndarray) – array of rho
- Returns:
measure of bumpiness
- Return type:
- _eval_error(rho)[source]¶
Evaluate the summation of squared error for high-fidelity samples
- Parameters:
rho (np.ndarray) – array of rho
- Returns:
sum of error
- Return type:
- _getDisc()[source]¶
Compute the discrepancy between low-fidelity prediction at high-fidelity samples and high-fidelity responses
- Returns:
- Return type: