Source code for mfpml.models.mf_gaussian_process

import time
from typing import Any, List

import numpy as np

from mfpml.models.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegression

[docs] class _mfGaussianProcess: def __init__(self, design_space: np.ndarray) -> None: self.bound = design_space self.lfGP: GaussianProcessRegression = None
[docs] def predict(self, X: np.ndarray, return_std: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Predict the response of the model Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray array of samples to be predicted return_std : bool, optional whether to return the standard deviation, by default False Returns ------- np.ndarray prediction of the model """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should implement this method.")
[docs] def _train_hf(self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Train the high-fidelity model Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray array of high-fidelity samples Y : np.ndarray array of high-fidelity responses """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should implement this method.")
[docs] def train(self, samples: List, responses: List) -> None: """training for multi-fidelity Gaussian process regression model for two-fidelity model, where the first fidelity is high-fidelity and second fidelity is low-fidelity. Parameters ---------- samples : List list with two elements, where each element is a np.ndarray of samples. The first element is high-fidelity samples and the second element is low-fidelity samples. responses : List list with two elements, where each element is a np.ndarray of responses. The first element is high-fidelity responses and the second element is low-fidelity responses. """ # record the execution time for training low-fidelity model clock_start = time.time() self._train_lf(samples[1], responses[1]) clock_lf = time.time() # train high-fidelity model, it will be trained at child-class self._train_hf(samples[0], responses[0]) clock_hf = time.time() # record the training time for low-fidelity and high-fidelity model self.lf_training_time = clock_lf - clock_start self.hf_training_time = clock_hf - clock_lf
[docs] def _train_lf(self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Train the low-fidelity model Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray low-fidelity samples Y : np.ndarray low-fidelity responses """ # gaussian process regression will normalize the input directly self.lfGP.train(X, Y) # normalize the input self.sample_xl = X self.sample_xl_scaled = self.normalize_input(X) self.sample_yl = Y
[docs] def predict_lf( self, X: np.ndarray, return_std: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: """Predict low-fidelity responses Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray array of low-fidelity to be predicted return_std : bool, optional whether to return the standard deviation, by default False Returns ------- np.ndarray prediction of low-fidelity """ return self.lfGP.predict(X, return_std)
[docs] def _eval_corr( self, X: np.ndarray, Xprime: np.ndarray, fidelity: int = 0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate the correlation values based on current multi- fidelity model Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray x Xprime : np.ndarray x' fidelity : str, optional str indicating fidelity level, by default 'hf' Returns ------- np.ndarray correlation matrix """ X = self.normalize_input(X) Xprime = self.normalize_input(Xprime) if fidelity == 0: return self.kernel.get_kernel_matrix(X, Xprime) elif fidelity == 1: return self.lfGP.kernel.get_kernel_matrix(X, Xprime) else: ValueError("Unknown fidelity input.")
[docs] def normalize_input(self, inputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize samples to range [0, 1] Parameters ---------- inputs : np.ndarray samples to scale Returns ------- np.ndarray normalized samples """ return (inputs - self.bound[:, 0]) / ( self.bound[:, 1] - self.bound[:, 0] )
[docs] def normalize_hf_output(self, outputs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize output to normal distribution Parameters ---------- outputs : np.ndarray output to scale Returns ------- np.ndarray normalized output """ self.yh_mean = np.mean(outputs) self.yh_std = np.std(outputs) return (outputs - self.yh_mean) / self.yh_std
@property def _get_lfGP(self) -> Any: """Get the low-fidelity model Returns ------- Any low-fidelity model instance """ return self.lfGP @property def _num_xh(self) -> int: """Return the number of high-fidelity samples Returns ------- int #high-fidelity samples """ return self.sample_xh.shape[0] @property def _num_xl(self) -> int: """Return the number of low-fidelity samples Returns ------- int #low-fidelity samples """ return self.lfGP._num_samples @property def _get_sample_hf(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return samples of high-fidelity Returns ------- np.ndarray high-fidelity samples """ return self.sample_xh @property def _get_sample_lf(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return samples of high-fidelity Returns ------- np.ndarray high-fidelity samples """ return self.sample_xl